UTC 2024 - August 3 @ 7PM
Driver Registration
Truck information
waiver & agreement
The undersigned, being of adult age of eighteen (18) or older, and in consideration of my participation in the Demolition Derby conducted at the Utah County Fair, does expressly assume all risks and hazards arising out of my participation therein, and any injury to me and any injury to persons or property caused by, or arising in any manner from, the undersigned or the undersigned’s participation in the Utah County Fair Demolition Derby. The undersigned hereby waives, releases, absolves, indemnifies and holds harmless Utah County, Utah Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau and Spanish Fork City their sponsors, officials, employees and other participants from any and all claims, damages or injury to the undersigned and persons or property caused by, or arising in any manner from, my participation in the Utah County Fair Demolition Derby. I have read, understand and agree to comply with all of the required rules including but not limited to the Utah County Fair Demolition Derby 2018 Official Rules.